034: The pen is mightier than the password
The UK government wants you to give your credit card details to porn sites, Ashley Madison offers compensation to the people whose lives it ruined, and an adult website wants you to pass its unorthodox and below-the-belt biometric identity check... gulp! All this and Myspace, Google Glass, Fleabag, and much much more is discussed in the latest edition of the "Smashing Security" podcast by computer security veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault, joined this week by technology journalist and broadcaster David McClelland. Follow the show on Twitter at @SmashinSecurity, or visit our website for more episodes. Remember: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, or your favourite podcast app, to catch all of the episodes as they go live. Thanks for listening! Warning: This podcast may contain nuts, adult themes, and rude language. Special Guest: David McClelland.