648 - Butts is butts
That's right, Seth. Butts IS butts! (I still have no idea what that means!) Hey! Happy Thanksgiving week and weekend, everyone! Thanks to all of you who caught the "Friday Free Show" LIVE on a Wednesday and I'll let the bullet points speak for themselves! Have a wonderful and safe turkey day and buckle up for new stories and a real goodie! - d
On this week's show:
* Miss X and the Secrets Hideaway
* Butts is butts
* Squirt Lines
* Seth singing karaoke alone
* Black alien man
* E-cars taking over
* Hand sanitizer and tasers will set you on fire
* Jungle Night Out
* Inappropriate chirp
* Walmart theory
* Baby poo face
* Who is better at licking the P ?
* Can't teach the yo-yo in one night
* Slick Rick's "Indian Girl"
* Jerry's American Kickin Class
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Thanks for watching us and we’ll see you again tomorrow on Twitch at 10am-ish.
Like - subscribe - and use the alert thingy. - d
Love you more,