32: Nashville’s Drag Scene Queens: Vanity and Danica
This week, Bunnie gets a wild and crazy visit from Nashville’s Finest Drag Queens, Vanity and Danica. They talk about how they got into the drag scene, advice for those looking to make the move into the industry, how to embrace the unique version of yourself, no matter what it looks like to others, and what it really means to monster mash yourself. Then, they play the Filthy Phrases game, and it gets dirty. Takeaways: Danica and Vanity, Nashville’s finest Drag Queens, both know what it feels like to be judged and not fully accepted for who you are on the outside. That’s why they are so inclusive and encourage everyone to be humble, kind, and let others live how they want to. Vanity started doing drag makeup when she was 14, and has been on stage performing for 7 years. The term non-binary can mean different things to different people. It can be used to describe someone who doesn’t exclusively identify as male or female, and may experience their gender as a spectrum of both or neither. For Danica, the they/them pronouns are preferred. Danica describes their Drag look, Piranha Del Rey as Texas Chainsaw Massacre but with everything pink and pastel. For those inspired by their awesomeness and looking to be a Drag Queen, both Danica and Vanity advise you to do your research, don’t be discouraged, and remember to embrace the uniqueness that is yourself. Quotes: “I can be masculine and powerful and have pink hair in the same breath.” - V “Artistry wise for me, I don’t want to be put in a box. I want to be able to do it all.” - V “Be humble, and be kind to everyone.” - D “I’m a born again virgin, but not by choice.” - B Mentioned: Vanity Danica | Tik Tok Piranha Del Rey Play Dance Bar Tribe The Fruit Loop Las Vegas Dragula RuPaul’s Drag Race Violet Chachki The Pretty Reckless Check out Bunnie: @xomgitsbunnie BunnieXo @officialdumbblonde