21: Blindfolds and ASMR
Social media star and comedian Charlie Classic joins Bunnie for a crazy ASMR game. We swear, you’ve never heard a crouton crunching sound so sexy before. He and Bunnie also talk about Area 51 and UFO sightings, white trash mansions and the inspiration behind Charlie’s comedic genius. Takeaways: ● Charlie Classic is a social media star and comedian. He also is a trooper, as he was just diagnosed with gastroparesis, and is adjusting to a new healthy diet. ● Charlie’s moved to Las Vegas from Jersey because, like most everyone in Jersey, he couldn’t stand Jersey anymore. ● Want to live large in a White Trash mansion of your own? Check out Las Vegas — you can buy a beautiful place for way less expensive than places like LA. ● This may be because she has alien blood coursing through her veins, but Bunnie promises us she has seen a UFO. Twice. ● ASMR is huge, so of course Bunnie is going to do it her way and make a game out of it. She blindfolds Charlie and bites into foods, with Charlie guessing what exactly it is that she is eating. ● We will keep the game answers a surprise, but just know that Bunnie has to eat one of her least favorite foods — Cheetos. Gross! The things she will do for you guys. Quotes: ● “I have so many peole that want me to do the ASMR thing and I’m like ‘what do you want me to do, sex sounds?’” ● “Me being blindfolded has ended terribly every time it’s ever happened to me.” ● “Are you eating a f**cking onion?” Mentioned: @charlieclassic Charlie Classic Storm Area 51 American Horror Story Check out Bunnie: @xomgitsbunnie BunnieXo @officialdumbblonde