Mastering Goal Setting a Mindset with Andy Rosario

 Beauty Means Business Radio Mastering Goal Setting a Mindset with Andy Rosario The Fade Master @andyfadepro Andy Rosario is a dynamic creator in more than just the barber industry. In this episode of Beauty Means Business Andy takes us on a vivid journey of how he’s created a career path, roadmap, and legacy of what he looks to leave behind. A very intellectual conversation around how to be intentional, how to overcome innate reactions to resist something you’re scared of or don’t understand. Andy is filled with advice on how to manage money, how to better market yourself, take better photos and build a social media platform in the barber industry. But the best part of Andy’s knowledge, is his understanding of mindset, enjoying the journey and searching for passion. This is an elaborate explanation of his goal setting process and how that is really... a soul-searching process. Andy’s practice of visually documenting his career roadmap on his wall has led him to major accomplishments from starting his career at 17, to becoming a barber, learning photography, marketing, and learning to be driven by metrics and strategy. Andy leads by helping others build their platforms and tells you to ask yourself the tough question: what do you want to leave behind when you’re gone?  Takeaways:   It’s about finding passion through every point of your journey, whether it’s barbering, social media marketing, building a barbershop, becoming a mentor or building a legacy.  Identify your goals by soul searching, goal setting is a skill that needs to be practiced.  Create your visual roadmap by outlining your goals and action items on your wall. Hold yourself accountable by sharing your roadmap with people and speaking it out loud.   Ask yourself the tough question: what legacy do you want to leave when you’re gone?   Handsome App is a free professional network for the beauty and barber industries to build a digital portfolio, find career advice, education and jobs.   

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