My Intuitive Eating Journey
On episode No. 9 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I'm sharing my journey of intuitive eating, as a followup of episode No. 8 (with Elizabeth Thomas PhD, LCSW). I share my thoughts on the diet-obsessed culture we live in, my experience with dieting, disordered eating and body shaming, and how intuitive eating has changed my life for the better. We talk about the sneaky ways disordered eating shows up and how eating intuitively may take you down a path you never thought you'd take. Show Notes: Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works by Evelyn Tribole The Slow Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy a Weight Loss by Marc David You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay Follow Cafe Binge on Instagram @ cafebinge All original content is copyright 2019 Cafe Binge.