78 | All The Small Tings
On this week's episode we answer our first ever non-sneaker related Fire Round question (probably?), and it reveals the team's true colours when it comes to music choices. We cover another wide variety of choices under This Week in Kicks, and have a couple of updates about some of the biggest new headlines from previous episodes. Our main discussion surrounds the platform that kickstarted the Canada Got Sole movement, Instagram. We reminisce about the days when Twitter was the social media platform, talk about a time when hashtags actually meant something, and recall some of our Instagram blunders. Has Instagram moulded the sneaker game into a monster? Let's talk about it. Follow us at: @CanadaGotSole @MisterQMart @Jo_Doooney @LDoggyStyles www.CanadaGotSole.ca Facebook.com/groups/CGS.TALK