Paul Rigby: How to Change, Innovate, Engage and Lead
Regular Keynote Presenter At Global Industry Conferences
Paul conducts numerous speaking engagements in over 20 countries per year. He also serves as President for, International Operations for International Thought Leader Network (ITLN) a USA based consultancy firm and Thought Leaders Learning Institute (TLLI) an Australian based consultancy firm. He is a certified master consultant for the Leading Innovation Workshop™ based upon the works of Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Leading Bold Change™ based upon the works of Harvard Professor, John Kotter, Leading Change™, Leading Positive Results™ based on the work of Shawn Achor CEO of Aspirant and a world leading expert on human potential, Learn To Lead™ a 5-day leadership program for emerging leaders and Drive™ an exciting workshop based on Dan H. Pink’s work on employee engagement and motivation.
Paul is the co-author of The Bee Book. He has written a suite of interactive and highly engaging workshops based on this entertaining story. Bee Ready For Change, Bee Engaged, Bee A Great Leader and Bee Fit For The Future all of which follow the theme of The Bee Book thus creating a powerful business tool for any organization with a common language.