009: Building a Team #girlboss
As a busy entrepreneur, there will come a time when you realize that your hands are in one too many pots. It’s hard to not want to do all of the things in your business but let’s face it, you can’t clone yourself. In this episode, I share how I knew that it was time to start building a team after feeling completely overwhelmed and not knowing how to best spend my time. I talk about my current employees and what their roles are to help support the business. I also discuss how I had to figure out my joy and what lights me up the most in my business so I could start to delegate tasks to my team. This episode is about recognizing when you need help and learning to admit that you need help to others and being okay with asking for support. What’s in this episode: Feeling completely overwhelmed and not knowing what to do with her time Admitting that you need help in order to grow Figuring out her joy in the business and what she can hand off to other people How her team helps her business in the store, warehouse and with operations Creating a friendly and positive work environment Learning to leave work at the office and be more present at home Moving her office to the warehouse and learning to juggle time within the warehouse and boutique Being real and vulnerable on social media Recognizing where you need help and speaking up when you need to Making decisions that will be the best for her customers I am so glad you decided to tune in today. Continue to follow along my journey as a wife, a mama, and a girl boss by connecting with me on my website, Instagram or Facebook. You can also check out my personal Instagram to get a behind the scenes look at my life. If you want to hear more about my journey in the fashion industry, I’d encourage you to subscribe so we can continue to get to know each other.