S1E5 - Tipu Sultan - Part 1
This episode describes the events leading to the Third Anglo-Mysore war and rise of Tipu Sultan
● Treaty of Mangalore ● Conflict with Marathas ● Treaty of Gajendragad ● Tipu Sultan's global diplomacy ● Attack on Travancore ● British alliances with Marathas and Nizam of Hyderabad ● Battle for Bangalore
References: 1. Waqai-i manazil-i Rum: Tipu Sultan's mission to Constantinople - Mohibbul Hasan 2. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/the-1791-war-against-tipu-sultan-changed-bengalurus-destiny/articleshow/57552187.cms?from=mdr 3. Ibid., p.912 4. Letter of Malet to Lord Cornwallis, dated, September 18, Op.Cit. 5. https://military.wikia.org/wiki 6. Bowring, Lewin (1899). Haidar Alí and Tipú Sultán, and the Struggle with the Musalmán Powers of the South. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 7. Colonel G. B. Malleson: The Decisive Battles of India from 1746 to 1849 8. History of India 9. History of Mysore (3 vols., 1810-1817; 2d ed., 2 vols., 1869) 10. A History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan (2 vols., 1763-1778; vol. 1, rev. ed., 1799)
Episode Length: 0:21:46
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Credits: “The Revolution - Untold Story of Indian Freedom Struggle” is produced by KS Productions, Inc. in collaboration with Pastel Entertainment.
Our Executive Producers are Kaushik Mazumdar and Susmita Mazumdar from KS Productions, INC and Shanoli Majumdar from Pastel Entertainment
Our researcher is Dipanjan Maiti Content developed by Dipanjan Maiti, Bratati Chakraborty & Kaushik Mazumdar Sound designed & original music composed by Satyajit Sen