S1E14 - One-Night Stands/One Time Flings
I love one time flings! You meet someone, have sex and part ways like it never happened. It's fun, sexually liberating and it can give you ORGASMS. Thandie, McNel, Linda and I (Ami) discussed the reasons why we have night stands, the reason why you might want to have it, the risks involved and what to do to get it right. Listen and share!!
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[Ami Shikah] (https://mobile.twitter.com/amisdiaries) [Thandie] (https://mobile.twitter.com/TheRealThandieB) [Linda] (https://mobile.twitter.com/oye_lines) McNel
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Song Credit : Special thanks to Mzbel for use of her song, Awoso Me & Yopoo.
Send all your enquiries, comments & reactions to: social@thegoldcoastreport.com