56: Lego Bits (feat. Adam Morse)
In this episode we sat down with Adam Morse, aka mrmrs, a front-end developer and designer. Adam shares his knowledge of building systems and making the internet better. If you missed it, we recently announced Spec, a new podcast network for designers and developers! We hope you'll check it out and follow @specfm on Twitter for new shows and updates! If you have feedback or suggestions please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Twitter at @designdetailsfm! Sponsors: Harvest Iconfinder - use the promo code 'ROBOT' to save 50% off your first month of Iconfinder Pro Adam on the Web: Website GitHub Twitter Other website Show Notes: 4:00 - Introductions The Grid Tachyons 12:00 - CSS Basscss Brent Jackson CSS Stats MRSJXN 22:00 - Writing mrmrs blog Adam's reading list Mobile-first CSS PostCSS @fat Jacob Thornton on Design Details Jon Gold 43:00 - Other iOS 9 Content Blockers Jason Santa Maria