Episode 18.0 – Influenza Testing + Epistaxis
Show Notes
Show Notes
EMCrit: Dominating the Vent I http://emcrit.org/lectures/vent-part-1/
EMCrit: Dominating the Vent II http://emcrit.org/podcasts/vent-part-2/
EM Lit of Note: Remember, Tamflu is Still Junk.
EM Lit of Note: Which Review of Tamflu Data do You Believe?
Zahed R et al. A new and rapid method for epistaxis treatment using injectable form of tranexamic acid topically: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Emerg Med 2013; 31: 1389-92. PMID: 23911102
Derkay CS et al. Posterior nasal packing. Are Intravenous antibiotics really necessary?