Ep.46 - Me & Pizza Hut? We're Your Friends with Chris Sims
Episode Notes
Special, unintentially long episode of you guys this week. X-Men '92 co-writer, and podcaster who we stole the entire concept of this show from, Chris Sims joins us to talk about one thing, Arcade. Along the way we have some fantastic conversations about, well, most things X-Men.
Also Zack's mic broke right before recording this and he had to use his emergency back-up mic (not the double back-up which is a Rock Band USB mic, but stil) so sound quality isn't where we want it to be. Sorry.
Ranked this episode:
- Uncanny X-Men #123-124 (Murder World)
- X-Force #29-30 (Adam-X The X-Treme Is Back... And Things Have Never Been Deadlier)
- X-Men Collector's Edition #1-4 (Pizza Hut X-Men)
Check out the Battle of the Atom Master Ranking List!
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Our theme music is Junk Factory from the X-Men Arcade Game by Seiichi Fukami, Yuji Takenouchi, Junya Nakano, and Ayako Hashimoto.
Cover art is by Adam Reck after Dave Cockrum
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