#007 The Tale of Bonnie Lee Bakley: Did He Do It? [Part 2]
The Case of Bonnie Lee Bakley And The Only Suspect, Her Husband Actor Robert Blake
**The sound quality of the first couple dozen episodes of this show isn't good; I was still learning!! Skip ahead about a year!**
(Formerly titled "The Tale of the Victim Blame Game"). Bonnie Lee Bakley was many things in her life...a con artist, an identity thief, and an all around lonely hearts type swindler. She also had a fascination with celebrities and did all she could to align herself with the rich and famous, as she was wasn't ever really able to find fame in her own right. She was also a mother, a daughter, and a sister. But when she was murdered in on a dark side street in May of 2001, the fact that she was the victim of a violent crime was completely lost in the media storm and subsequent trial that put her life and her past in the spotlight instead.
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