Ep:9 Megan B. Bartley named Best Marriage counselor in Louisville talks anxiety a marriage with me.
P. 502.509.9307 W. www.meganbaylesbartley.com E. megan@meganbaylesbartley.com SOCIAL MEDIA @MindfulMeganB @MindfulMeganB @MindfulMeganB Megan B. Bartley, MAMFT @MindfulMeganB ABOUT MEGAN Born in Santa Cruz, California, and raised in Seattle, Washington, with extended stints of time in Arizona, Texas, and now Kentucky, Megan Bayles Bartley is at once the girl next door that can handle a basketball like nobody’s business (even though she doesn’t really enjoy competitive sports) and a “sage yoda” (to use the words of a client) that walks with those she helps out of the dark and into the light. She earned her Master of Arts in Marriage a Family Therapy (MAMFT) from the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, and is the Founding Director of the Louisville Mindfulness Center – a local organization dedicated to teaching people of all ages practical ways to use mindfulness and meditation to improve their lives. Named one of the Best Marriage Counselors in Louisville, Megan offers an out-of-the-box therapeutic approach that is both radically transformational and insanely practical. Hands-on, judgment-free and eclectic, Megan is widely informed by her ongoing passion for learning which most recently involves training in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Reiki, and a healthy dose of international travel (she’s made it to 5 continents so far!). Oftentimes this self-proclaimed “recovering perfectionist” and die-hard “optimist realist” serves in more of a coaching role, helping clients in high pressured, high profile positions identify and move past obstacles in pursuit of optimal performance. As a painter, entrepreneur, activist, and published author, Megan continually draws on her keen intuition in all that she does, Megan explains: “...when I listen to my gut, which I’m really good at doing, it never fails me.” Future plans include more writing and podcasts, paired with the introduction of an online curriculum to share her easy-to-use skills and tools with a broader audience.