#30 - Chris Lyons a Fangs FX
Chris and Fangs FX is who we call when we need teeth, but there is a lot more to Fangs FX than just...well...fangs! This is the first of a series of interviews Todd and I did at Monsterpalooza 2018, a three-day event in Los Angeles which was busting at the seams with visitors, demos and vendors. It was amazing, and Todd and I applied my Bela Lugosi makeup for the Rick Baker Tribute on the enormous PPI Premiere Products Inc stand. Blogpost: http://www.learnmakeupeffects.com/fangsfx/ We grabbed Chris for a chat outside the venue as it was far quieter than inside, and talked teeth, drill bits in the mouth, loose teeth, missing teeth and how much hiding in plain sight takes place. Making and fitting teeth requires the use of some pretty serious chemicals and hardware, and putting these things into performers mouths is a serious responsibility as you will hear. Fangs FX was established in 1984, and has an outstanding list of credits. If you have never heard of Chris or his team, then you will certainly have seen their work. Check out their facebook page and Instagram @fangsfx. Richard Coyle from BBC TV show 'Strange' which maks use of swelling provided by a dental plumper rather than an appliance. Makeup by Jan Sewell. You know who wearing some makeup by Mark Coulier. Nose wiped out digitally, teeth made grim practically. Michael Rooker from Guardians of the Galaxy, makeup by David White. Demo by Mark Coulier, reimagining the Nosferatu style Barlow from Salems Lot. Makeup demo by Stephen Murphy for PPI. Model Ben Palmer. A Cure For Wellness featured some neat teeth gags. Paul Kayes' teeth for Mutti Voosht in 'Pan'. The test makeup with teeth in place for Paul Kayes character Mutti Voosht for Pan, cut ultimately. Makeup by me. Spencer Wilding wearing a Rick Baker wolfman makeup and some oustanding Fangs FX Dentures. Tim Vine comedy sketch show wth removable tooth gag. Naomi Harris in drama series 'White Teeth' missing the front four teeth - a worst case scenario for a practical tooth gag if all real teeth are present. Gags, where something has to happen, move and perform on cue is a tough thing to pull off... ] ... but even a moving drill bit appearing through teeth live in-camera is another day for Chris and the team. The stuff nightmares are made of! As ever, email us at stuartandtodd@gmail.com or drop us a comment our facebook page. Remember to floss regularly! - Stuart a Todd.