El elefante y el ratón
What do people do in the park? They run and walk and maybe even dance. What does an elephant do in the park? Well, he writes poetry and makes friends with a mouse, of course! Listen along as the Small Town Spanish Teacher tells the story of "El elefante y el ratón" - the story she uses on day 1 of Spanish 1. It repeats the verbs "mira" (sees/looks), "corre" (runs), "escucha" (listens), "dice" (says), "escribe" (writes) and "para" (stops) as well as multiple cognates. No matter where you are in your language journey, stories will help you on your way. Happy listening!
You can read along here: https://smalltownspanishteacher.com/2020/02/15/el-elefante-y-el-raton/