401: NACAC CEO Angel Pérez—Self-care for counselors, leaders, and professionals in helping roles
On this episode I chat with Angel Perez to discuss his personal journey with burnout, self-care, and therapy, and I even share some of my own personal journey — and we connect on what it might mean to find more ease, purpose, and joy in our own lives.
This is part 1 of a series I’ll be doing on self-care this year. You’ll notice Angel mentions a morning routine — in part 2 you’ll meet wellness coach Sage Simpson, who will get into the practical specifics of how to create a morning routine for yourself.
On the episode you’ll hear Angel and I discuss:
- Angel’s personal experience with burnout
- How did he address it in writing an article on self-care in college admissions
- Why self-care is especially important for caretakers and professionals in helping roles
- Strategies and techniques Angel (and Ethan) use for self care
- Ways to address shame, and why therapy has been important for Angel
- What to look forward to at NACAC 2023
Why these episodes?
- Self-care has become a bigger theme at CEG in the past couple of years, particularly coming out of the pandemic—and in my own life.
- Anxiety and depression are at an all-time high in students, while counselors, leaders, and educators are burning out and switching jobs (Chronicle of Higher Ed reported on a study by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, or CUPA-HR” noting that 71 percent of coordinators and counselors in the college admissions field have been in their jobs for just three years or less.
- Blog post Angel wrote: One CEO's Story of Executive Burnout
- [00:00] Intro
- [2:34] Who is Angel Perez? (Spoiler: he’s awesome)
- [4:44] What led Angel back towards self-care in recent years?
- [8:10] How did Angel’s childhood affect his work life today?
- [10:15] What inspired Angel’s article on burnout?
- [12:30] What are Ethan’s boundaries and personal habits with work?
- [13:30] How do you recognize when you need self-care, or have behaviors that signal it’s time to step back?
- [15:36] What is Angel’s morning routine?
- [19:00] How to deal with the shame that comes with self-care
- [21:39] What have Angel (and Ethan) learned in therapy?
- [26:40] Finding balance vs. coming into balance
- [28:50] What are some of Angel’s & Ethan’s other self-care and health practices?
- [32:45] What helps Angel and Ethan get into flow?
- [39:35] What is NACAC and the college admission field doing well, and what could we do better (in regards to self-care, rest, work culture, etc.)?
- [43:45] What is NACAC committed to? What should we look forward to at this year’s conference?
- [46:35] What are we committed to (in regards to increasing access to self-care in our personal/work lives)?