31: Natural deodorant that works and avoiding cancer causing products with Schmidt's Natural
Schmidt's Naturals was borne from the vision of natural product developer Jaime Schmidt in 2010 during the Maker Movement. With humble beginnings in a Portland, Oregon kitchen, entrepreneurship brought Schmidt's lifetime passion for innovative body care into focus. Motivated to make products that would benefit her family's health, and knowing that the natural deodorant offerings on the market were falling short of consumer expectations, Jaime made it her mission to change the way people think about deodorant. BEHIND THE BEAUTY NEWSLETTER http://bit.ly/2hnGo9L WEBSITE: https://www.behindthebeautypodcast.com FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/behind.the.beauty.podcast/ GUEST: Jamie Schmidt from Schmidt's Naturals INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/schmidtsnaturals/ YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/schmidtsnaturals TWITTER: https://twitter.com/schmidtsnatural SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/schmidtsdeo FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SchmidtsNaturals ___________________________________ HOST SEREIN WU YOUTUBE CHANNEL→ http://bit.ly/1JU5PUH VLOG/LIFESTYLE CHANNEL | https://www.youtube.com/moreserein INSTAGRAM | SNAPCHAT | TWITTER | FACEBOOK | PINTEREST @SEREINWU BLOG http://sereinwu.com/ VLOG/LIFESTYLE CHANNEL | https://www.youtube.com/moreserein