AMRIT a Anaa Saber, Founders of One Stop Away
Meet AMRIT and Anaa Saber, both multi-hyphenate creatives who are currently taking the fashion industry by storm. Amrit is a DJ and Creative Consultant and Anna is an editor and Founder of Our Second Skin. Recently, they both founded the agency, One Stop Away, to offer a platform and opportunites to people invested in both positive change and advocacy and who are looking to give back to their local communities. Listen in as we discuss the reality of freelancing, how to authentically network and how creating their own agency will lead to more diversity and inclusion within the creative landscape. Follow One Stop Away on IG: @onestopaway_ Follow AMRIT on IG: @itsamrit Follow Anna on IG: @oursecondskin Follow me on IG: @naomielizee Join the So…What Do You Do Again? Community on IG: @sowhatdoyoudoagain If you love the episode, make sure to screenshot and tag @sowhatdoyoudoagain! We love sharing with our listeners. And it would mean the world if you took the time to subscribe, rate and review the podcast!