March Masksness Round 1: The Interviews
Episode Notes
King Lizard and the Gizzard Wizard were performed by Thomas who can be found on twitter @DorkseidVO
Intravenous was played by Landon who can be found on twitter @superlandon1
Insectivore was played by DJ Guilds who can be found on twitter @docduder
Mirage, Coral, and Scarlet Spider were played by Vanessa Haas who can be found on twitter @alpacamybooks
Livewire and Jumpscare were played by Andy who can be found on twitter @andylion92
Boom!, The Get-up Noise, and Tutankamen Rider were played by Lee, Evan G and Evan S from Rollout Podcast. They can be found on twitter @itshamhocks @unclepetunio @namesequipped and @RolloutPodcast, respectively. Snowflake and Crash Override were played by Danni and Alice from Unlabelled. They can be found on twitter, @battidanni @magicalfirlkyra and @unalabelledAP, respectively
Edgelord and Disqo were played by Drew and Kim from Corpses and Curios. They can be found on twitter, @cyber_sasquatch @artemispruitt and @cropsescurios, respectively
Lady Terminator and The Huger were played by Shannon and Joel from Critical Bits. They can be found on twitter, @plentyofalcoves and @CriticalBitCast
Daybreak was played by Erik from Apex City. They can be found on twitter @primefactorx01 and @ApexCityCast
The music you heard was “Masksness Sting” by Jeremy Borders, GM of Apex City. They can be found on twitter @tayuface and @ApexCityCast, respectively.
March Masksness is the insane brain child of James Malloy from Protean City Comics. They can be found on twitter, @andthemeltdowns and @ProteanCity, respectively.
For more stories from Zenith Bay, including more King Lizard and the Gizzard Wizard, follow us on twitter @paradigmpod1 or find us on your favorite podcast app by searching Paradigm Academy.
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