Episode 39: Doing It Because You Love It With Erin Gleeson Of The Forest Feast
It’s the Season One finale of the One Part Podcast! One whole year has gone by since launching the first episode. It’s so crazy! There’s been lots of laughing, some tears, many an F-bomb, and tons of planty recipes.
I cannot thank you all enough for listening, sharing the episodes, tweeting up a storm, and just plain supporting the show. You’ve helped create a cool and thoughtful OPP community that we can all be part of, and I love you all so much for it.
For the finale, I wanted to go big! So I headed to Instagram to ask you who you wanted to hear. There were so many great suggestions (some I’ll for sure be using in Season Two) – but I could only choose one….
Today’s guest is Erin Gleeson from The Forest Feast! She’s cool, a super-talented photographer, a NYT Times best-selling author, and just a freaking nice person. And you know we’re all about nice people around here.
In this episode, Erin and I discuss leaving her career behind in NYC to move to a cabin in the woods, how that move influenced the career she has today, her inspiring approach to creating and maintaining her brand, and her advice on putting your work out there.
Here’s Erin:
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Show Notes:
The Forest Feast Website + Instagram
The Forest Feast (book)
Erin’s Stationery Line
After The Jump Podcast
Episode 37: Dana Shultz from Minimalist Baker
Episode 19: De’Mar Hamilton of The Plain White T’s
Roasted Carrot Recipe
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