Episode 37: Practice Makes Perfect + Self-Publishing A Book With Dana Shultz of Minimalist Baker
You probably already know that I love Dana Shultz from Minimalist Baker (seen here and here). But like most of my internet girlfriends, we hadn’t ever actually spoken before this podcast. But based on our emails, her Lil Jon and Martin references, and her undying dedication to creating new dairy-free mac & cheese recipes, I knew that we’d hit it off (and we did).
In this episode, Dana and I discuss her decision to ditch the traditional publisher route and self-publish her cookbook, her top tips for creating a website that Google loves, how she’s taken her photography skills to the next level, and the most important thing she believes you need to have a successful website.
Here’s Dana:
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Show Notes:
Minimalist Baker Website + Instagram
Dana’s First Website
Yoast (SEO plugin for WordPress)
Food Photography School
The Artful Desperado
Hollis Anne (Dana’s cookbook designer)
Veggie Sandwich With Sunflower Seed Tzatziki via Fairing Well
Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown
Dry Creek Valley
VOTE for Laura Wright of The First Mess in the So Delicious Shake Off
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