Episode 35: The Nitty Gritty On Gluten, Oil, And Soy With Dr. Thomas Campbell Of The Campbell Plan
This week’s podcast is pretty special. I had the opportunity to speak with the co-author of one of THE most influential books in health, wellness, and plant-based nutrition. It’s Dr. Thomas Campbell, who cowrote The China Study with his father, Dr. T. Colin Campbell. The book has sold over 1 million copies and inspired the film Forks Over Knives. Their work has transformed thousands of lives across the world, including my own. I’m pretty excited about this one!
Tom and I discuss why he needed to write his new book, The Campbell Plan, his thoughts on the hottest health topics out there – gluten, soy, and oil (you might be surprised to hear what he thinks), raising a healthy family, and the number one thing he says is vital in successfully changing your diet.
Here’s Tom:
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Show Notes:
The Campbell Plan Book + Website + FB
The China Study
Forks Over Knives
T. Colin Campbell Center For Nutrition Studies
Lasagna Recipe
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