Episode 34: Choosing To Live + Finding Your Voice With Sahar Paz

I talk a lot and have a tendency to overshare. But I’m feeling a little speechless when it comes to describing Sahar Paz. I’ve been sitting in front of my computer for twenty minutes trying to figure out what to say about this incredible woman.

My interview with her was like none I’ve had before. There aren’t many people that have survived what she’s been through. And even fewer people that have survived and then made it their life’s work to help others do the same. She’s one of the most inspiring women I’ve ever talked to, and I’m just so proud to share her story. Hear for yourself why she’s my new superhero. 

Here’s Sahar:

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Show Notes:
Sahar’s Website, Twitter, Instagram
Find Your Voice (buy this book!)
Find Your Voice Trailer
Free Your Voice Foundation
Oh, Ladycakes aka Ashale Warner
Dreamcatcher Guest House 
Emerging Women Live Conference
Khoresht Karafs Recipe via My Persian Kitchen
The New Persian Kitchen 

This episode was sponsored by Podcasting School For Women.
This 8-week live online training program takes you through every step you need to start a successful podcast. I seriously wish I’d had this school when I started this show. Check out the course overview and sign up. Classes start June 1st! Hope to see you there. 


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