One Part Pledge / A Challenge By Katie Dalebout of The Wellness Wonderland
Katie Dalebout does a lot. She’s an author, speaker, yoga teacher, podcast host, and the creator of The Wellness Wonderland. After reading that list, you might be thinking “Ooooh, fancy. She’s got it allll figured out.” She doesn’t. And that’s one of the reasons I love Katie so much. She’s very open and real about the fact that she’s constantly working on herself and trying to shift her ideas and patterns.
Because of all that, I thought she’d be a perfect host for this month’s challenge. The funny thing about her challenge is that it changed halfway through the episode. We got so deep on a topic that I asked her to ditch the original one because I thought the new idea would have a greater impact. Selfishly, it’s also something that I really need to work on myself. I just needed a nudge (ok, hard push) to do it. Hoping you’ll join me in this one!
Here’s Katie:
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Show Notes:
The Wellness Wonderland
The Wellness Wonderland Radio Podcast
Jordan Younger’s Episode (on orthorexia)
Isabel Foxen Duke
Katie follows: Bonjour Clem & Bo Stanley
If you decide to take the pledge:
1. Take the pledge and keep it to yourself. Tell no one or maybe just your best friend at dinner. Write it in your diary. Say it out loud to your bathroom mirror. Do you.
2. Take the pledge and share in the comments here. It’s a great place to talk with fellow pledgers. And also a great place to ask any questions you might have about the challenge.
3. Take the pledge and tweet it. Share on Twitter and tag it with #onepartpledge. Challenge someone else you know to take part in it. These things are always easier with friends.
4. Take the pledge and Instagram it. Take a photo of yourself holding up the OPP hand sign (it’s above) or a photo of you doing the challenge. You don’t even have to show your face. Get creative with it. And make sure to tag me, so I see you! #onepartpledge
If you miss a challenge or aren’t ready for it right now, that’s ok. This isn’t like an episode of Game of Thrones. You can miss one and still know what the hell is going on.
Let’s do it!!