One Part Pledge / A Challenge By Lee Cockerell

Often described as the “hardest-working person on the planet,” Lee Cockerell is the man. He’s the former Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World, has led a team of 40,000 employees, is a best-selling author, and a crazy-inspiring speaker. 

And we’re very lucky to have him bring this month’s One Part Pledge Challenge! As always, you gotta listen to find out what the challenge is…but I’d  grab some paper and a pen to write this shit down. It’s a good one. 

Here’s Lee: 

Listen and subscribe in iTunes
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Show Notes:
Time Management Magic (Lee’s book)
Creating Magic (Lee’s app)
Thrive 15

1. Take the pledge and keep it to yourself. Tell no one or maybe just your best friend at dinner. Write it in your diary. Say it out loud to your bathroom mirror. Do you.

2. Take the pledge and share in the comments here. It’s a great place to talk with fellow pledgers. And also a great place to ask any questions you might have about the challenge. 

3. Take the pledge and tweet it. Share on Twitter and tag it with #onepartpledge. Challenge someone else you know to take part in it. These things are always easier with friends. 

4. Take the pledge and Instagram it. Take a photo of yourself holding up the OPP hand sign (it’s above) or a photo of you doing the challenge. You don’t even have to show your face. Get creative with it. And make sure to tag me, so I see you! #onepartpledge 

If you miss a challenge or aren’t ready for it right now, that’s ok. This isn’t like an episode of Game of Thrones. You can miss one and still know what the hell is going on. 

Let’s do it!!

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