0347: The Future of Beauty Technology!
The conversation continues with the women of beauty industry technology. Today we dive into, drum-roll.... the future! We are answering questions such as, where is our billion-dollar industry in regard to technology, compared to other industries with the same buying power? Where should we be? How do we get there? Why does this matter to salon owners? What should salon owners embrace in order to be profitable and sustainable in the future? And finally, we answer what salon owners must give up in order to thrive in the future. Technology is a huge resource and we shed light on why there is everything to gain by adopting industry technology. WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/1yoOQOXMaU0 PARTNER WITH MEET YOUR STYLIST! https://www.meetyourstylist.com OUR INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/beyondthetechnique HERE’S THE LINK TO OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP! https://www.facebook.com/groups/370912749922331 EDUCATION WE OFFER https://www.beyondthetechnique.com/salon-education-business-classes SHOP OUR SALON BUSINESS RESOURCES! https://www.beyondthetechnique.com/shop FOLLOW ALICIA SOULIER a SARAH COOPER! SalonScale: https://www.salonscale.com AURA Salonware: https://aurasalonware.com