0336: Why Changing the Supply Chain is a Huge Win for Salon Owners, with Alicia Soulier!
This is an incredible conversation that we’re not having, until now! Have you wondered what your margins would look like if you could source your products direct? How much are we as salon owners paying our distributors to play the middlemen and women in the buying process? How is our industry years behind compared to others in regard to automation—and who is going to solve this issue so we can sustain our salon businesses? Alicia is back for another round of education, and you do not want to miss this. You will learn why over 70 salons close each day! And what we have the power to do, starting today. BECOME A MEET YOUR STYLIST SALON! https://www.meetyourstylist.com SALON MARKETING on INSTAGRAM // Online Class Monday, April 20th at 3pm EST https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PqeHbztdSMKeURbCMAeI7w OUR INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/beyondthetechnique HERE’S THE LINK TO OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP! https://www.facebook.com/groups/370912749922331 EDUCATION WE OFFER https://www.beyondthetechnique.com/salon-education-business-classes SHOP OUR SALON BUSINESS RESOURCES! https://www.beyondthetechnique.com/shop FOLLOW SALONSCALE! Website: https://www.salonscale.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salonscale