0317: STOP Losing Money, START Getting the Insights you Need to Be Profitable, with Sarah Cooper
What if the technology you were using allowed you to save $30k per year by not having to scramble to hire that additional front desk representative? That’s one of MANY advantages Sarah will be sharing with us today. Sarah is the Founder a CEO of AURA Salonware. Her innovative automations have allowed her to increase her salon’s profitability in extraordinary ways. This is one talk you have not heard before! [WE HAVE THIS RAW, UNEDITED TALK AVAILABLE ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL TOO!] BECOME A MEET YOUR STYLIST SALON! https://www.meetyourstylist.com FEBRUARY 17 at 3PM EST Converting Callers into Clients Sign up here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_g2qzQl80Q1We_ixh48nnPQ OUR INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/beyondthetechnique HERE’S THE LINK TO OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP! https://www.facebook.com/groups/370912749922331 EDUCATION WE OFFER https://www.beyondthetechnique.com/salon-education-business-classes SHOP OUR SALON BUSINESS RESOURCES! https://www.beyondthetechnique.com/shop FOLLOW AURA SALONWARE Website: https://aurasalonware.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aurasalonware