S2E12 - Best American Essays 2020
In what is probably our penultimate episode of Season 2, we Zoom about the brand-new edition of Best American Essays, edited by our old friend from Season 1, André Aciman. We cover Robert Atwan’s intro, Aciman’s preface, and two selections from the anthology itself: Alex Marzano-Lesnevich’s “Body Language,” and Barbara Ehrenreich’s “The Humanoid Stain.” Also: reader mail, an update on our flash anthology, and we solicit listener suggestions for what essays we should nominate for Best American Essays and the Pushcart Prize. Episode links:
Alex’s essay: https://harpers.org/archive/2019/12/body-language-genderqueerness/
Barbara Ehrenreich’s essay: https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-humanoid-stain-ehrenreich
Send us your submissions for Elena's flash anthology, and your essay nominations for BAE & the Pushcart! We're at @essaypodcast on Twitter, contact@essaypodcast.com, or in the comments section of our website: http://www.essaypodcast.com/contact/