Worst Job Ever / Coffee and Code 2 - Switches
Hey there everyone!
Welcome back to the Modern Electrician Podcast! In this episode, I tell a story of one of the worst jobs Ive ever applied for and I ask you to tell me: "Whats the worst job you've ever had?" I bring this topic up because, for one, I love a good 'terrible job' story and secondly because we're getting close to the Thanksgiving season and I always like to spend time during the month of November thinking about everything I'm grateful for. Gratitude is a helpful tool for navigating the challenges that life throws our way. If you can remember to practice gratitude in your daily life, you can continually gain perspective and create a bit of space between the hardships you'll endure and your reaction to them. Gratitude helps us get out of our 'victim' mentality and puts us in a better state of mind where we don't sweat the small stuff.
So... what's the worst job you've ever had?! Please go to the top of this episode on Spotify, click the 'read more' link and leave us a voice message telling us briefly about the worst job you've ever had.
Today's episode ends with a little Coffee and Code! In this week's segment, Josh and I discuss switches and diagnosing switching issues in historic homes. Hopefully you all find these segments interesting and helpful. Please give us your feedback on this segment! Are there any code articles that you'd like us to cover and why?
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/doug-powell9/message