#39 Skin benefits of Argan Oil
Today I wanted to talk to you about Argan oil. And show you what researchers say it can do for your skin. I am a big fan of oils for your skin. You know over the years, your skin naturally loses moisture and oils are a great way to keep the skin looking fresh. Argan oil actually can actually do a lot more. We’ll find out right now. Welcome to another episode of Skincare Secrets…I’m actually excited to talk to you about argan oil. Argan oil has been a staple in Morocco for centuries as a cooking ingredient for it’s subtle, nutty flavor. It comes from the kernels of the fruit on the argan tree. But it’s not only been used for cooking, it has a lot of health benefits, especially for the skin. Let’s take a look at some of them. Argan oil is packed with omega 6 fatty acids which is considered to be a healthy fat and good for heart health. These fatty acids help with the skin's natural oil barrier and keep skin hydrated, plumper, and younger looking.Argan oil also has a lot of vitamin E, which is needed for healthy skin, hair and eyes. Argan oil also contains CoQ10, melatonin, and plant sterols. All fighting against skin-damaging free-radicals - whether we get them from the sun, pollution, drinking, smoking or elsewhere. This was documented in a 2013 study found that the antioxidants in argan oil protected the skin against free radical damage caused by the sun. This can actually help you with sunburns and those dark spots nobody likes. Which is great. Argan oil is actually probably best known as a moisturizer. And there is a good reason for that. That is why argan oil can be found in a lot of lotions, soaps, and hair conditioners. I actually prefer using it pure. Just straight up 100% argan oil. In a 2014 study published in Menopause Review, applying argan oil improved the moisture of the skin in women after menopause.It may, emphasis on may, help treat acne. Argan oil’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds may lower redness and irritation of the skin caused by acne. There is some evidence that applying argan oil on a regular basis can reduce oil production and over all skin oiliness. And we know that excess oil on your skin can be a trigger for acne. In addition to its antioxidant properties and ability to heal and protect the skin, argan oil also has both antibacterial and antifungal properties. So it can treat and even prevent bacterial and fungal skin infections. That is why it is good for skin conditions like rosacea, and psoriasis. Argan oil has long been used as an anti-aging ingredient. There was not a lot of scientific data to back this up, but a 2015 study published in Clinical Interventions in Aging found that after 60 days of everyday application, the skin had visible improvement of elasticity and firmness. Because it can improve skin elasticity, argan oil helps prevent and reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles and stretch marks. Now, for those who haven’t tried it… it’s a thicker oil if you use it 100% pure. So it takes a little longer to absorb than other oils. It also has an earthy smell. It is not one of those flowery-smelling oils you’d love the smell of. But it’s not bad by any means. To sum up argan oil, this powerful ingredient has many skin benefits for everyone, whether you have problem skin.. or aging skin… or just want to lock in some extra moisture. So give it a shot. That’s all for now...see you in the next one...