#13 The most underrated ingredient in skincare
---Transcript---When you are younger, your skin looks firm and bouncy. It looks smooth. Your skin tone is even. As time goes by, you start seeing things on your skin you don’t like. Little imperfections. Then a little bigger imperfections. Which may make you self-conscious. And impact your confidence. With the right skincare routine, you can certainly minimize and delay these changes on your skin. Today, we’ll talk about the most underrated ingredient in skincare that is so underused by most peopleHi everyone, welcome to episode 13 of the Skincare Secrets show.So over time, because of sun exposure, pollution, and other things, you start to see lines a wrinkles, dark spots, blotchy skin tone, sagging. Most of this is caused by oxidants, also known as free radicals. Today we’ll talk about Vitamin C. The most abundant antioxidant in our skin. What does Vitamin C do - it fights the oxidants. And what are those? In your skin, you have oxygen molecules. They can lose a part and become an oxidant, or free radical. Picture a car on the freeway that loses a tire at 60 miles an hour - it will keep driving for a while, but it will inevitably cause damage down the road.In your skin, these oxidants, or free radicals, hurt your the skin cells DNA. And for those who pay attention to this podcast, you know the skin regenerates itself every 28 days. So the new cells which are made from bad DNA, are not exactly the same as the old cells. That’s why they form wrinkles, sagging, brown spots and other things you don’t want to see in the mirror.What causes these oxidants? How do we get them? The answer is all the stuff you know is bad for your skin - sun exposure because of the UV radiation, pollution, smoking, alcohol, etc. Things we try to minimize, but we cannot eliminate. Because we also want to live. And these things are part of life.You’ve all seen an apple turn brown. That’s caused by oxidants. It’s the same process that leads to dark spots on your skin.The good news is that your skin has a natural way of fighting these oxidants. It uses antioxidants.This is what Vitamin C’s main role is. It’s the most abundant antioxidant in our skin. And it was put there for a reason. It basically fixes these broken oxygen molecules by putting the missing part back in place. So they become normal and they don’t cause any damage. Vitamin C also plays a major role in the production of collagen - which is this protein that’s a building block that gives your skin texture so it’s firm and bouncy.When you are young, your skin has lots of vitamin C. Over time, it loses it. So our ability to fight the oxidants goes down. The good news is that we can put vitamin C back in the skin.Applying Vitamin C topically can get you up to 20x more vitamin c in the skin, compared to taking it with food and supplements. This is very important, because our bodies cannot produce Vitamin C.That’s why it needs to be part of everyone’s skincare routine.And you see all kinds of celebrities with great skin using vitamin C and swearing by it - from Halle Berry to Olivia Wilde, and Alessandra Ambrosio etc.Now, you know I geek out on this stuff. So let’s get into it a little more.First, there are maybe half a dozen different types of vitamin c used in skincare. The natural form of vitamin C, called L-ascorbic acid, is also the most potent form of vitamin C. That’s what you want to see on the ingredient list when you’re buying a product with Vitamin C.Next, you need the right dosage. Too little of a good thing, does nothing. The Journal of Clinical a Aesthetic Dermatology tells us that 20% leads to maximum absorption. And to the biggest benefit. So you get an idea of what this means, a 1 oz vitamin C serum with 20% concentration has the vitamin c equivalent of 86 oranges. And last, keep your vitamin C product in a dark container away from sunlight. If you see it changing color, texture, of feeling different, throw it away. If it goes bad, it actually becomes an oxidant and starts to cause damage.So if you want to keep your skin smooth, bright and glowing, make sure Vitamin C is part of your skincare routine on a daily basis.That’s all for today. Please don’t forget to subscribe and share. See you next time.