13. Minisode: Interview with Bethan Ball From Intellect Publishing
For this interview Dana and Joy sat down with Bethan Ball, the Journals Manager at Intellect Publishing in the UK. Intellect first exhibited at the Costume Society of America symposium in Atlanta in 2012, and we were more than thrilled to wake up early to discuss publishing in the 21st century and what that means for the field of fashion studies. Note: This interview was recorded on the field at the CSA so there is additional lively noise. You can learn more about Intellect here: Website: http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/ Journal Studies in Costume a Performance: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/scp Publish with Intellect: http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/repository/index/ Visit the blog for images, episode bibliography and more fashion at www.unravelpodcast.tumblr.com. Instagram: @unravelpodcast Twitter: @unravelpodcast Facebook: www.facebook.com/unravelpodcast/