12. Minisode: Interview with Material Culture a Gender Scholar Jo Paoletti
You liked the last minisode so we decided to give you another! In this episode, Dana, Jasmine, and Joy discuss their interview with Jo Paoletti. Paoletti is currently a material culture and gender scholar and a member of the Costume Society of America. In 2017 she will retire from the University of Maryland after 41 years as a teacher, scholar, and administrator. In the interview Dana and Joy ask questions related to gender, material culture, and the history of the Costume Society of America and her role in the society's electrifying Scholar's Roundtable. Her website: www.pinkisforboys.org her most recent publication: www.amazon.com/Sex-Unisex-Fashion-Feminism-Revolution/dp/0253015960 Her Twitter: jbpaoletti Visit the blog for images, episode bibliography and more fashion at www.unravelpodcast.tumblr.com. Instagram: @unravelpodcast Twitter: @unravelpodcast Facebook: www.facebook.com/unravelpodcast/