How I Lead a Stake of Zion in Ireland | An Interview With Pres. Mark Coffey
Mark Coffey was raised in an LDS family on the coast of southern Ireland, and has lived in Dublin, Ireland, since he was 12 years old. He works as an IT Manager. Mark met his spouse as a teenager and they have been married 22 years. He was a missionary in the Canada, Winnipeg mission, has served in many ward callings including as a bishop, and is now part of a stake presidency. Episode Highlights How his call in the stake presidency came about (16:15) Transition from being Bishop to being a counselor in the stake presidency (18:30) Helped to have been a bishop and know what he needed from his counselors Different characteristics of the Church in Ireland (19:45) Missionary work is at the top of their minds all the time A lot of non-national members and recent converts, making it very multicultural Meeting approaches as a bishopric and stake presidency (22:45) Temple recommend interviews (25:20) Home and Visiting Teaching approaches for spread-out units (26:20) Five Leadership Principles Have a clear view of God’s vision for you and your calling (27:15) Home teaching example: Channel your inner President Monson Learn the difference between the traditions and the doctrine in the principles of your calling (32:15) Find out the core of what you’re trying to do, don’t cut out the things that work, but cut out the unnecessary Enable those around you to see and achieve their potential (36:10) Give direction and allow others to run with it Embrace change: This is God’s work and he will change you to make you fit for purpose (38:20) Look for criticism “Leadership in the Church is not about directing others but your willingness to be directed by God.”—President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (40:00) Be in tune and find a way to make sure you’re doing what the Lord wants you to do How has serving as a leader made you a better disciple of Christ? (42:10) Links: Good, Better, Best by Elder Dallin H. Oaks This Week in Mormons Tie Tracker