How to Take Care of Yourself While Social Distancing
We hope you've been finding ways to keep busy and entertained while social distancing, Glamgelenos. May we recommend our Instagram? We have a great social distancing beauty routine to help you get through the week and lots of ways to connect with us on social through our FB group and on IG, obvi. Today we break down why the new Dyson Corrale is truly innovative (for anyone who wasn't impressed), discuss LVMH's decision to use their facilities to make hand sanitizer, plus break down what's on our face and scalp. Then we answer some of the most commonly asked beauty questions we've been getting regarding Coronavirus and share tips from licensed psychologist Dr. Hoda Abou-Ziab, MD and meditation coach Megan Monahan on how to mitigate your anixety during a really stressful, confusing time like this. What's on Your Face Sara: Orce Cosmetics Foundation, $89 Kirbie: Collective Laboratories Hair Growth Activating Serum, $39/mo Favorite Face Exfoliants Podcast suggestions: Bill Simmons x Malcom Gladwell, Joe Rogan x Michael Osterholm See for privacy and opt-out information.