Let Your Body Adapt. It has clothing preferences just like you.

I know I'm not the only one who makes snap judgments about my clothes. Especially when I first try a garment on that's not my usual cut or silhouette or style. That's what happened with one of the dresses I knit for this self made wardrobe project. It was a one piece hand knit, A-line, very colorful mini dress that was neither my normal colors, nor my normal silhouette nor my normal style, but ended up being one of the pieces that I love the most in this wardrobe and wore quite often and still wear today. So I guess one of the lessons from this dress is to not jump to conclusions about garments before you wear them a couple times. It's easy to forget that our bodies have preferences about what they wear. And often, so not always, those preferences are merely because that's what our bodies are familiar with. It's sort of like if you start working out your body is going to have opinions on it. And the same is true for whatever garment you're talking about. It doesn't have to be high waisted jeans or period corsets or turn of the 20th century undergarments, it's true for anything. If you're not used to wearing a suit, your body is going to take a while to get used to wearing a suit. If you're not used to wearing lounge-wear, your body's going to take a while to get used to wearing lounge-wear. So I think that when something's new, and it has to do with our physically feeling weird in the clothing and you want to play around with the style, maybe give it a couple tries, and see if you get used to it. Learn more at WhoWearsWho.com/podcast3

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