A Quality Garment from Cheap Materials - is it possible?
Like with food, a really good high quality fabric is going to give you incredible results even if your skill level isn't that of master chef or a master couturier. However, you can also make not so good materials work, it just requires a lot more finesse or experiences. This robe is one that I get compliments on every single time I wear it. There are little tiny metallic threads running through it but they're just enough to be interesting and not so much that it becomes gaudy. There are these little novelty squares of plush fabric, glued on to the the chiffon. And it's so sweat inducing because the fabric 100% polyester, (which means that's 100% plastic). But if the breeze picks it up just right, it floats and flutters behind you and looks marvelous. And I'm always astonished when I remember that, this was an impulse fabric purchase that I put together into a robe on a whim and wore about 30 times throughout the course of the year. Learn more at WhoWearsWho.com/podcast3