Wasting Time
Time seems like a very bizarre concept right now. It has that funny quality of not really being solid anymore and not being something that we can agree on the unit of measuring time by and I'm thinking a lot about time that could be called wasted time. I'm thinking in particular of one long white, plain white skirt that I sewed, intending it to be worn under a knitted dress I had made, because I wanted something more for that dress, and that I only wore a couple times. The skirt probably took a couple hours to make. And I'm wondering if I had known how little I would have worn that skirt and how unnecessary that skirt was, if I would have done something different with those couple hours instead. And I don't know. Because how could I have known that I wouldn't have needed that skirt, if I hadn't had that skirt and not needed it? Learn more at WhoWearsWho.com/podcast3