A Sweater is a Sweater No Matter How Messy
Knitting this sweater was a hot mess. It was messy, it was ugly. It involved a lot of cursing and re knitting and reworking and shoving the project into a drawer for a couple days. And in all honesty, if I wasn't in the middle of this year long wardrobe challenge with an already extremely limited wardrobe, I probably would have abandoned this sweater altogether. And yet, a sweater in the end I had. It was messy. It was complicated. It was not fun. It was not funny. It was something I can laugh about now, but the process sucked. But after it was all said and done, but the sweater was fine. In fact, it was fantastic. I still have it in my closet, and I still wear it every winter. When do we give up on a messy process? And when do we keep going because that's the only thing to do? And if we get to the end and have a wearable completed wonderful sweater, how much does the messy process of getting their impact the final result? Because no matter how messy the making process is, if you have a full sweater at the end, you have a full sweater at the end. Regardless of how much cursing it took you to get there. Learn more at WhoWearsWho.com/podcast3