Episode 2: VoV 002: Getting Started with Vue
- Charles Max Wood
- Joe Eames
- Cher Stewart
- Erik Hanchett
In this episode of Views on Vue, the panelists discuss how they each got into Vue and how you can go about learning Vue yourself. They really suggest utilizing the Vue website for tutorials and for help navigating the framework, especially in the beginning. They also discuss many great resources you can use to learn about this framework, especially if you are just starting out, and encourage you to look into them and get started on working with Vue!
In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- Panelist intros
- Progressive web apps
- How did you each get into Vue?
- Vue
- Ember.js
- Angular
- Not wanting to be outdated as a programmer
- React
- Recommendations for how to go about learning Vue
- Using the Vue website
- Udemy Vue course
- Vue.js Developers
- Vue.js news
- Vue Vixens
- VueConf US
- Framework Summit
- The importance of building a community across frameworks
- Build a To-Do App with Vue.js 2
- Vue.js in Action by Erik Hanchett
- Sometimes it takes going through a couple books before finding what you really want
- How are people writing with Vue?
- Vue is very un-opinionated and progressive
- ES6 and TypeScript
- And much, much more!
- Vue.js in Action by Erik Hanchett
- Framework Summit
- DevChat.tv
- React Round Up
- Vue
- Joe Eames Pluralsight
- Ember.js
- Angular
- React
- Udemy course
- Vue.js Developers
- Vue.js news
- Vue Vixens
- VueConf US
- Build a To-Do App with Vue.js 2
- ES6
- TypeScript
- @CodeHitchhiker
- @JosephEames
- @CMaxW
- RE-20 Microphone
- ATR2100 Microphone
- Xenyx 802 Mixer
- Roland R-09
- React Dev Summit
- Framework Summit
- Joe
- Counterpart
- Sagrada Board Game