Drink & Farm #21 - Wear Whatever Panties You Want
Bev & Sam had a super fun live happy hour and go into more detail about a question they received during it about vaccinating for Marek's, how the vaccine works, giving vaccines to day old chicks, and bust a myth about organic standards. Bev shares the total cost of her first round of meat chickens, and Sam reads a great listener farm story!
This episode is brought to you by:
Henny & Roo! Use code DRINKANDFARM at www.hennyandroo.com to save 10% on your first box when you subscribe.
First Saturday Lime! Use code #DRINK at www.firstsaturdaylime.com to save 10% every time you lime.
Grubbly Farms! Use code WINE20 at www.grubblyfarms.com to save 20% on your next order of delicious black soldier fly larvae.
The drinks for this episode were sponsored by @AshleyKirnan Cheers lady!
Show Notes:
This Episode is brought to you by our Patreon Contributors! You guys make the magic happen!
Watch the LIVE Happy Hour in our FB Group!
PBS article about the Marek's vaccine
How to give vaccines to day old chicks
Should you vaccinate for Marek's? from My Pet Chicken
Organic Myth about vaccines from Zweber Farms
Carol Pacey & the Honeyshakers
Our listener farm story this week is from @jayellebee82
Rooster crowing was recorded by Shelley and can be found here. Goat Bleating was recorded by Blastwavefx.com and can be found here. Both used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
Some of the the links in the show notes are affiliate links from which we may make a small commission should you use them to make a purchase. Read our full disclosure statement here. While using a link won't affect your purchase in any way, you could look at it as though you've bought us a drink. Cheers!