Drink & Farm #12 - Mostly Humping & A Little Bit of Headbutting

Sam & Bev discuss Bev’s goat additions and how dam and bottle raised babies compare, why it’s best to approach farm situations with caution if it’s something you haven’t dealt with hands on before, more of Sam’s egg hatching wisdom, duck hatching update, rabbit breeding and genetics, how difficult it is to keep boy goats, the chicken episode of Rotten, tips for saving for ethically raised meat and how to cut down meat consumption, farm kid stories, and how much they are looking forward to next week’s discussion about the milk episode of Rotten.

Show Notes:

This Episode is brought to you by our Patreon Contributors! You guys are the greatest!

Sam & Bev's drinks were sponsored by @ashleykirnan, cheers lady!

The podcast Serial

Mayim's Vegan Table - Bev's favorite recipes are the vegan tacos and dill chickpea burgers

Email us your farm kid stories! drinkandfarm@gmail.com

The Rotten Series - Watch the episode about milk next!

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