Drink & Farm #10 - This Just Came Out of My Polish Chicken's Butt!
Drink & Farm is now in its awkward pre-teen phase. Double digits! Sam and Bev discuss plans for the Naperville Ale Fest, why it’s not a good idea to let your animals partake in your chore beer or wine, Bev’s shady parking lot egg exchange, Sam updates us on her duck eggs, they assign some homework, discuss how to behave around cows, Bev meets a mini donkey, Sam shares some tips to deal with an aggressive rooster, Bev laments about her sort of but not fully broody hen, and you do not want to miss this week’s listener farm story. Seriously.
Show Notes:
This Episode is brought to you by Our Patreon Contributors! You guys are the best!
Naperville Ale fest
The Rotten Series - Watch the episode about bees.
Miniature Herefords - All together now, awwwww!
The Drink & farm Stickers!!! Become a Patreon member at $5 or over by April 30th to get one, or be sad for always.
Bottle Keeper
Ohio Gardener Magazine
The Monarch: Saving Our Most Loved Butterfly
The Homestead Skills Book Club
Cluckingham Palace - Sam's Coop
This week's farm story is from @jacey_ranae - you know you need to be friends with her now.
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