Drink & Farm #08 - That's Not Really Where it Comes From
Sam brunches, Bev takes a brewery tour and meets a new IG friend, they plan a sleepover and a field trip to a football game, then totally go on a weird tangent about taking their kids places where adults may not be on their best behavior. Farming topics include free-ranging your chickens, the hen to roo ratio, hatching duck eggs using a hen or an incubator, Sam’s new favorite farm thing to order from Ebay, the struggles of feeding and vaccinating baby goats, and more garden plans along with some of the mistakes they made their first-year gardening.
Show Notes:
Bev's super cool growler keg thing
@farm.her.talk -Bev & Sam will be guests on May 23rd
Saying Goodbye to a Garden on The Living Homegrown Podcast with Theresa Loe
A good video on vaccinating a baby goat...duh, give them a bottle while they do it. That's what Bev was missing!
@5RFarmOregon She hosts #turkeysnoodsunday on IG & sells soap!