Drink & Farm #04 - Those Eyebrows are a Conversation Starter
Bev & Sam discuss their ancestry, more goat stuff, tinctures for sour crop and bumble foot, do a little follow up on Cornish Rock Cross meat chickens, perform a live Google search for your entertainment, and give you the freedom to change your mind about things.
Show Notes:
Ohio does have rattlesnakes, Bev has just been lucky enough not to see one
The Story behind Chicken Selfie Sunday - From Sam's Channel
Lady May - Tyler Childers
Bev's affordable incubator
Bev's rubber wedding rings
Moonlight Mile Herbs - Shelf life is indefinite if stored in a dark, cool environment. Sam gives the Bumble Foot and Sour Crop Tinctures two beaks up
The Worst Milestone - Post on Bev's Blog
Poultry First Aid Kit - From Sam's Channel
Getting Over Your Homesteading Mistakes - Post on Bev's Blog
Cornish Cross Management and additional advice
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