Dr. Diana Howard, Scientifically Speaking: Fighting Skin Fatigue
Is your skin well rested or sleep deprived? Even missing just a few nights of sleep can affect how your skin repairs itself and can result in sallow skin and puffy eyes. In this episode, Dr. Diana Howard takes us on a skin journey and explores the active ingredients within our newest product Sound Sleep Cocoon. This night-gel cream harnesses the power of nature with science to promote sound sleep and healthy, radiant skin. She shares some amazing research that will make you want to get some extra zzz’s! Tune in and learn how to fight the signs of skin fatigue and transform your skin by night so you can glow by day. Click here Sound Sleep Cocoon to learn more, get great sleep and skin tips along with soothing sleep sounds. Have a skin topic you'd like us to discuss? Send an email to livingskinpod@dermalogica.com